We have winners! Sir Reginald is still wrestling with the video uploading, but the drawings took place and I’ll be emailing the winners this week to get their addresses so I can send the books out before the weekend. More giveaways are imminent!
Was the first mobile phone put into action way back in 1922? A new find from British Pathe suggests it might be true!
Who would lead the League of Extraordinary Gentlepersons in 1996? Agent Scully, of course. This is a great concept, with lots of hidden treasures in the art.
Speaking of that sort of thing, there are rumors swirling about a possible television series featuring Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn…operating…a…steampunk detective agency. Hm.
For more tangible historical items, check out Yesteryear’s Tools – there’s all sorts of information on labels, company history, and brands!